Available from Zunior only
The good folks at Zunior, Canada's favourite digital music empire, have made the entire Rheos' back catalogue available for digital download through their service. That means 24/7/365 access to some of the finest music recorded in this vast country for a measly $8.88 per album, or just $17.76 for a double album. Each purchase includes digital art.
Zunior's offerings includes some items available only in digital download format -- MP3 or lossless FLAC -- from Zunior. To see the entire digital catalogue, click here.
Items available only from Zunior are listed below.
Green Sprouts Music Week 1993
From April 12th to April 18th 1993, The Rheostatics played their first of many Green Sprouts Music Weeks. Over the course of 8 shows in 7 days the Rheostatics performed over 175 unique renderings of songs at Ultrasound Showbar in Toronto, considered by many of the musical luminaries of the 90's Toronto scene to be the greatest venue.
Featured on this set are not only embryonic versions of songs bridging the gap between mythology and history for fans, but 7 unreleased songs, some of which have not been heard by anyone since the spring of 93. Written at the zenith of the bands creative peak, many who are not familiar with the quality of work which was released in that time period, will be left scratching their heads in amazement at the songs left by the shoreline. Two of the shows took place in the afternoon starting the tradition of at least one all ages show at some point during their GSMW/Fall National residencies.
The 1993 shows also featured a host of guest musicians including Chris Brown and Gene Hardy of The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir, Lewis Melville, Dave Allen and Kevin Hearn who at that time was still in The Look People. Bob Snider and The Inbreds were the opening acts throughout the week.
Disc One:
1. Northern Wish
2. Who?
3. Crescent Moon
4. Ditch Pigs
5. Delta 88
6. Lying's Wrong
7. The Wedding Song
8. Green Sprouts
9. Pigeons
10. Ebbs and Flows
11. Row
12. Rain, Rain, Rain
13. Cephallus Worm/Uncle Henry
14. No Smoking
15. Palomar
16. Saskatchewan
17. Onilley's Strange Dream
Disc Two:
1. Self Serve Gas Station
2. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds
3. Beerbash
4. Woodstuck
5. The Headless One
6. Record Body Count
7. Seems Like
8. Fish Tailin'
9. Legal Age Life At Variety Store
10. King Of The Past
11. Full Moon Over Russia
12. California Dreamline
13. Canadian Dream
14. Higher And Higher
15. Aliens (Christmas 1988)
16. It
17. When Winter Comes
Disc Three:
1. Christopher
2. Shaved Head
3. Judy Warned
4. Good On The Uptake
5. Sickening Song
6. What's Going On Around Here?
7. OK By Me
8. Margaret Atwood
9. Fan Letter To Michael Jackson
10. RDA
11. Horses
12. Soul Glue
13. Queer
14. Circles
15. Jesus Was Once A Teenager Too
16. One More Colour
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The Secret Sessions
Dave Ullrich, formerly of The Inbreds and a Zunior founder, quietly gathered together musicians inspired and helped by the spirit and work of the Rheostatics to record a tribute album as personal thanks to the Rheos.
All sales proceeds will go to a charity designated by the Rheostatics.
1. Bad Time To Be Poor - The Weakerthans
2. Take Me In Your Hand - Stephen Stanley and Carla MacNeil
3. Public Square - Weeping Tile
4. Saskatchwan - Wooden Stars
5. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds - The Inbreds
6. Seven Stars Remix - King Cobb Steelie
7. Legal Age Life At Variety Store - Barenaked Ladies
8. Loving Arms - The Golden Seals
9. Claire - Cuff The Duke
10. Stolen Car - Kate Fenner and Tony Scherr
11. Shaved Head - By Divine Right
12. Satan Is The Whistler - The Dill
13. Record Body Count - The Local Rabbits
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Calling Out the Chords Vol.1
A collection of performances recorded by soundman Steve Clarkson during the 2004 Fall Nationals.
1. California Dreamline/Horses
2. Four Little Songs (Instrumental)
3. Easy to be with You
4. Mumbletypeg (w/Fall National Horns)
5. In This Town
6. Christopher
7. We're All Living In a Chemical World (w/Ford Pier)
8. I Am Drumstein (w/Kevin Hearn)
9. Who is that Man and Why is He Laughing?
10. Kevin's Waltz (w/Kevin Hearn)
11. Weiners and Beans (w/Kevin Hearn)
12. Legal Age Life at Variety Store (Twist Contest Version)
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Music From The Motion Picture Whale Music
Paul Quarrington's classic book, which helped to inspire the Rheos' album of the same name, was made into a movie in 1994. The Rheostics were tapped to create the music. The result is this piece of Can-rock music and movie history. Original music performed and composed by Rheostatics. Score by George Blondheim.
1. Song of Congregation
2. Find Me Mookie Saunders
3. Torque Torque
4. Desmond's Reflections
5. Dez's Lament/Claire
6. Ocean Courtship
7. Song of Flight
8. Fried Brain
9. Song of Danger
10. Song of Courtship
11. Goodbye, Claire
12. Song of Sadness
13. Euqrot, Euqrot
14. End Title
15. Deconstruct Me, Claire
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The Whale Music Concert - Sets #1 and #2
The Whale Music Concert is a double-album release and was recorded live in 1992 at Toronto’s Bathurst Street Theatre. The show captures a very special period for the band -- it's first big Toronto performance following the release of the critically acclaimed Whale Music. The performance included special guests such as Kevin Hearn, Andy Stochansky, Meryn Cadell and The Bird Sisters.
The album comes complete with high-quality album artwork by guitarist, Martin Tielli.
Set #1:
1. California Dreamline
2. Northern Wish
3. Green Sprouts
4. The King of the Past (Kevin Gould-accordion)
5. Michael Jackson
6. Rock Death America/The Headless One
7. Palomar (Tannis Slimmon-vocals)
8. Take Me in Your Hand
9. Soul Glue (Kevin Hearn-organ)
10. Rain Rain Rain
11. Our Little Town (Doug Feaver-vocals & guitar)
12. One More Colour
13. Shaved Head
Set #2:
1. Saskatchewan
2. Full Moon Over Russia (Tim Mech-guitar)
3. Sickening Song
4. Legal Age Life (Tim Mech-guitar, Richard Burgman-guitar & vocals)
5. Record Body Count
6. What's Going On?
7. Who?
8. Queer (Kevin Hearn piano, Andy Stochansky-djembe)
9. Guns (Mitch Perkins, Andy Stochansky, Mark Goldstein, Lonnie James, Jeff Korkola - drums)
10. Dope Fiends and Booze Hounds
11. When Winter Comes (The Bird sisters Tannis Slimmon, Jude Vadala & Sue Smith - vocals, Meryn Caddell - vocals)
12. Edmund Fitzgerald/You Are Very Star
13. Horses (Andrew Henry vocals)
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"My Generation / Satellite Dancing" 45
The debut 7" single from Rheostatics. An extremely rare vinyl release that features the original Bidini/Vesely/Crosby/Clark version of the band. The tracks sound like a cross between Devo and Stompin Tom. This really is Canadian musical heritage.
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